Advertising on Twitter, and what users think
Finally, advertising has come to Twitter so "official" as from yesterday, have begun to show in the form of sponsored ads Tweets that have been paid by companies like Virgin America. After more than three years, this site has been transformed into a platform for real-time information will begin to monetize the content.
After enjoying a site without ads for a long time, it's time to see sponsorships, but has ensured that they are as annoying as possible. After the launch of the marketing of Twitter, some regular users have begun to say in the matter. According to data from Crimson Hexagon, interestingly 42% of users consider advertising as spam / upset and they want off-site, is a very large percentage of users who disagree, and perhaps the group of users have more activity or considered loyal users.
On the other hand 31% of the twitters regard this announcement as an interesting move, but would like to see more before accepting its operation completely. And if Twitter is able to integrate advertising without annoying users, will be a major step in the monetization of the site and to keep users happy at the same time. It is a difficult course.
Only 27% of the population believes that Twitter tweets are sponsored sensible business model, which does not greatly affect the common user activity and therefore have given their approval.
Now it remains to see if the tweets are sent via API-sponsored as well, since many people (myself included) use Twitter from third party applications (clients, either desktop or mobile platforms). While analyzing the possibilities, it is likely that third-party programs are free of advertising, at least at first.
Link Full details about this study
Via Mashable
Tags: Advertising , income , marketing , microblogging , SEO , Social Networking , twitter
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